Tuesday 27 January 2009


(click the url before reading. music always makes me read things differently as i read..)

It’s the one thing I’ve feared the most in my life. Being alone. I honestly HATE HATE HATE being alone but if it’s one thing I’ve learned while I’ve been in England, it’s that I need to prepare myself for being alone for a while. I honestly had the girl of my dreams in my hands and I let her go for dreams unseen. I know that sounds horrible in every aspect available, but I did. It’s something that I don’t suggest doing. If someone loves you and truly loves you, don’t trade them away. What you think “may” be better, actually isn’t. it’s one of those times where you just have to trust yourself that what you’re comfortable in may be, at that time, the best choice.

I’ve had a lot of time to think while I’ve been in England. I’m no good when I have time to think. If you’re like me, I think of the worst possible out comes in every way. I think of the door that’s closed when I have two opened right in front of me. It’s life honestly. And it’s only at night time that I’m at my worst. I always have to have something occupying me because if I’m left to ponder my thoughts, I end up writing about a million of blogs a day. And I’m serious about this guys, write your thoughts down. It’s not healthy to keep these emotions bottled up, and if someone reads them, it helps them relate to THEIR problem and then the both of you can become happy together and know that you’re NOT THE ONLY ONE.

I get about roughly 15 emails a day on MySpace about stories from people just like me and their stories about love that was lost and love that was found. I met someone today because of her status of FaceBook and again, learned that I wasn’t the only one. Her status read “I don’t want a boyfriend,” and what she said should honestly be everyone’s cry. I don’t think we should spend our lives searching for someone to be with. If we do, we miss the peace and serenity of the world around us. We miss times with friends; and “friendships” on that note. When I first dated Brielle, life was at its’ greatest. We both had really good friends and even best friends but once we started focusing all of our time on each other, we began to lose those friendships. Let my main point about this paragraph be TO ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR FRIENDS WHILE YOU’RE IN A RELATIONSHIP. I’ve seen 8 years of friendship be ruined over a relationship.

And guys, I’m not perfect. Please hear my heart on this. I appreciate the comments and emails I get on MySpace saying how I’m not the average guy and how other guys should be like me. That really does make me smile, but that’s not why I’m here. I’m here to help you. Each of you. I don’t want to be a musician with really good songs and then three years later, no one remembers. I want to be remembered at that guy who cared, because I do. I’m so happy to see all of my new friends, all 2,232 of them and my play count! I actually have over 20,000 plays now, and for a small town boy like me, that’s a lot by my standards! But please, I’m not perfect. I’m just here to help you with this life thing.

Have I mentioned that life here in England is beautiful? I’ve been sick now for the past two days and it’s gotten the best of me but I’m determined to go on. Wow. I have my iTunes on my Top 25 Played and guess what song comes on? Out of the 2,098 songs I have on my iTunes, “Love Story” by Taylor Swift comes on as my number 4 most played song. Want to know why? Because that’s my girls favorite artist and second favorite song. And yes, I still call her my girl even though she’s not mine because that little 5’3 girl with blonde hair and blue eyes still has my heart…

Live your lives. Please. Go out and see the world. It’s more than the town you’re living in now. And don’t try to conform to your parents lives or even your friends. It’s your life, your chapters, and your book. You hold the pen and the paper that is going to one day outline your life. When you look back, make sure it’s YOUR handwriting you see and not anyone else’s. Carpe Diem. Seize the day. It’s a love story, baby just say yes.

I miss you guys!!!

evan :)

and ps….
There’s a new song on PureVolume
Rainbow Sky


dare4distance guys…


  1. Okay, so I started like crying reading this.
    I love your blogs, they make me think.

  2. your words really speak to people whether its through your songs on your myspace or through these blog entries i just spent my time reading.

    you are really honest and straight forward. thats a good thing these days. =]

  3. "Be with someone who knows what they have when they have you"

    I think you need to move on...
    Brielle probably wants to and it doesn't help if she sees that your unhappy. I just makes it harder.
