Monday 2 February 2009

Choosing Which Way

Choosing which way

Have there honestly ever been a time when you didn’t know “what” to do? Like it seemed like you had everything planned out, down to the very “t” and then, everything blew up right in front of you? I mean, you tried soo hard for soo long to make something what it is and then in the blink of an eye, or a night, it’s gone. Literally, every single day you spent creating this master piece and within thirty minutes, can totally be destroyed. So what’s the point of this blog? Ha. You’re not alone…
Here’s my story. I met my best friend in the whole wide world on December 5th, 2007. I spent exactly 11 months with her and can honestly look back and say without her, I really don’t know who I’d be today. If you would have seen me about that time, I had MAJOR puffy hair and I always always always wore shirts that were wayy too tight on me and vans and converses everyday. To some people, that’s amazing. But I was just trying to live this life that was “fit” with the music scene.
I gave many countless hours to her. Not only when I was with her but nights on the phone and goodness, I don’t know HOW many texts I sent her. BUT getting back to my point. We broke up on November 13th, 2008. ALMOST made it to a year but dumb butt here had to think he could be with someone else. BIG mistake. It didn’t work. From my previous blog earlier, I talked about the “goody” bag thing. And after I let her go, well, I got my goody bad and it sucked. Like horribly. I found myself crying myself to sleep every night for 3 weeks straight. I couldn’t even click on her Facebook without freaking out about what I could “possibly” see. I mean, would another guy have written on her wall? Had someone already asked her out on a date? And all these thoughts were racing through my mind and I didn’t know HOW to handle it.
Soo long story short, I’m at a fork in the road where I DON’T know what to do. It seems like I’ve got a lot riding in two different ways but I’ve got to believe my better judgment on this. I’m amazed by some of the stories yall are telling me. There’s a girl in MI that asked me about what I didn’t know. And this is it. I DON’T know WHAT to do but I’m learning that I learn a little more everyday.
Maybe it WOULD be best to move on. I mean, I’m a single 19 year old guy that writes cheesy love songs for a living. I’m pretty sure there’s some cutee university girl out there with straight blonde hair, curly when she’s going out, and honestly willing to start over new as well. But you can never leave your first love. They say that the average human falls in love four times in their lives. FOUR times. If I had to go through what I’ve gone through in November FOUR times, I would die. Like literally. I couldn’t. I don’t know WHAT I’d do to be honest. But what’s your opinion? Stay with what I know best or try something different? What’s your input on this? Email me on myspace. Oh yeah! If you guys have topics you want me to write about, please please please email me and I’ll write about each one.
I heart you guys!

evan :)

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