Saturday 5 March 2011

Sounds Like Life To Me

Sounds Like Life To Me


I knew this blog was comin, but i honestly didn't know when. 

this is my "hopes and dreams blog"
and i hope you'll continue to read along.

first of all, i didn't come from the greatest family life. but my mom did everything she could for me and my sister, and for that, i'm greatful.

but this isn't a rant about my childhood or anything like that.

it's what i want for myself.

and dangit, i want kids. haha like not now, but in a couple (7) years. 
i'm in love with the MOST BEAUTIFUL girl EVER yall.
i mean, she's like the icing on the cake
that girl that walks into a room, and everyone just stops and stares at her
because you wanna know why?

she's just that beautiful.

i'm not going to lie. my girlfriend is EVERYTHING i've ever wanted in someone
i could spend the rest of my life with her,
and i'd be quite alright.

family plans:
(my mother would kill me if she knew i was already planning this)


i've wanted a little boy first so that he can look after his little sisters

Kellin (insert middle name here) Dial

i'm a sucker already for my two little baby girls.
i'm gonna spoil them


the won't be wearin makeup till they're 21
and baggy shirts and shorts are a MUST

i mean,
these are my baby girls!!!

i know the boy i was and well, dang..

they've got to grow up sometime, right?

okay. okay...maybe makeup at 18 but that's the limit! haha :)

Annie Mae Dial

annie because that's a name part of Paige's family
and Mae, well, let me tell you that story.

my band name is 100thandMay(e)

it's named after my great grandmother, Beluah Mae Dial 
(Momma Dial, as we called her)

so, beautiful Annie Mae Dial

third child.
undecided on name.

Big House=wrap around porch.

i know i want it in coffee house colors
with a room that's split down the middle.

i want to set up an art area on one half of the room facing out the window
for paige because she's an amazing artist
and then on the other side, of course, all of my music stuff 
so that i can play music for her while she paints :)

oh yeah.

i want a German Shepard named Seymour
big dogs are the way to go when you have little babies

it's like a scene where the little girl is jumpin on his back to try to ride him like a horse
and not only will my gun cabinet be intimidating, but i want my dog

to put the fear of God in some little boy
who wants to love my beautiful Annie Mae :)

not normally what you hear comin from a guy, right?
that's alright by me.

because a lot of other guys haven't loved someone as amazing as i am right now.

as always,

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