Monday 10 January 2011

New Life As Of Now


i honestly cannot remember the last time i update this thing. wow. just lookin back at my posts from two years ago, and it just blows my mind how much has actually changed. most of my focus was on brielle at the time; the distance wasn't fair. i remember nights staying up till 2am just sittin there wonderin what the future would hold and countin down the days till i came back to her. well, i came home. she was there. and now, 2 years later, i find myself hundreds of miles away from her. it kills me to know all the time i spent puttin into that relationship and to find myself where i am now. hey, i'm gettin to the point. just hold on!

see that girl up to the right corner? yeah, that's my best friend :) she told me the other day that she had started a blog, and comin back to this site brings back a bunch of old memories, but i know with her by my side, anything's possible..

"i'll take off my halo if you take off your wings..."

here's to a new beginning.
a new way of life.
a new way of thinking.

here's to a new love and a new life.


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