Sunday 18 August 2013

What It Means


Imagine just for a moment that everything around you 
Is within arms reach.

Everything you have ever dreamed of wanting.
Everything you have waited for your entire life.

What is it?
What is the ONE thing you imagine that it would be?

Now imagine, just for a moment, that you're holding it.
The ONE thing that makes your heart complete.
The ONE physical item that your heart has been longing for...

What is it?
Is it everything you have ever dreamed of wanting?
Is it everything you have waited for your entire life?

These are questions I think about on a daily basis
These are thoughts that my mind tries to comprehend
These are the words that describe what it means to "love."

I don't think there's a day that passes that I haven't read:

How are you so perfect?
How do you know all the right things to say?
Some girl is going to be lucky one day.
You should write a book.

You know, I can't help but laugh sometimes when I read that.
In the most sincere way,  it brings a smile to my heart.
Because I have somehow found what it means to "love."

If you're still reading this, thank you.
I'll now answer most of your questions. 

I don't really know "what it means" to love someone perfectly
I'm not perfect; I've made mistakes
There are things that I regret on a daily basis
but i don't let them get to me...
I know what I've done
And I know what I don't want to become

All I do know is that I've felt love
All I do know is that I enjoy love
All I do know is that I want to give someone that love...

I've been in two.
Well, three.
I should actually count that one
Since she was the girl who taught me to play my songs on guitar
But as far as long term, we'll stick to two.

First Relationship: You learn.
Second Relationship: You apply.
...and hopefully by the Third time, you get it all right.

So in any way does that make me "perfect?"
No, it shows that I'm human. 
You wouldn't believe it if I told you,
but i am a regular guy
There is NOTHING about me that I find to be better than anyone else at
There is NOTHING about me that makes me stand out
There is NOTHING about me that makes me into someone I am not

What I've learned, though, is that you keep on trying.

If you fall, you get back up again.
If you fail, you try again.
If you can't find the words to say, hum the song
If you can't see in the dark, trust your heart for guidance
If you can't run, you walk until you find what you're looking for

I think "love" is that smile on your face in the morning
When you wake up knowing that you have someone to love.

I think "love" is the warmth in your heart after a kiss
When all you can't wait for is the next one

I think "love" is the joy that makes you want to continue
Doing what your heart tells you to; and that's to never stop

I think "love" is walking hand in hand in the middle of a rain storm
With nothing but the thought of dancing with her in the pouring rain.

I don't really know what I'm searching for
These days haven't been what they've been before
But I do know a few things:
When I fall, I'll get back up again
When I fail, I'll try again
When I can't find the words to say, I'll hum the song
When I can't see in the dark, I'll trust my heart for guidance
When I can't run, I'll walk until I find what I'm looking for

And lastly...

When I can't sleep at night, 
I'll picture you smiling.

When I feel like there's no one out there for me,
I'll picture your hand in mine.

When I feel like there's no star to wish on,
I'll picture your eyes in the sky.

When I feel like everything is falling,
I'll picture you holding my heart in your hands.

To whomever you are out there
Just know that there's a heart big enough for the two of us
I'm not looking to get married ANY TIME soon
I hate PDA; honestly
I believe in this non-relationship term, these days, called "space."
I'm not taking you away from your friends
And I'm not leaving mine for you;
That's a selfish relationship, and I want you to be happy.
But you know what?
It's going to be a great feeling knowing that you're here.

Yeah, we're going to fight.
Yeah, we're going to yell.
Yeah, we're not going to be perfect.
...but you know what?

You'll always be my princess..


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