Sunday 19 August 2012

Surviving Love in Life; 365 Days to Juliet. Day 1


close your eyes for a second, and just picture your heart.

what do you see? 

for some, it's an organ that's beating within a rhythm that God has set in place

for others, like me, you see your past, future, and present

regardless of what comes to mind, your heart is what's on your mind. 
but what is it exactly that brings light and truth to this simple part of your body?
what is the very thought that comes to your mind about this object?

the heart is a very fragile object. 
it can be strong enough to let another smile in
and it can be weak enough to bring you to your knees
but after it's all said and done,
the rhythm still continues throughout the hours of the day
and it keeps you alive.

isn't that amazing?

the one thing needed to keep you alive is the very thing that you depend on to lead your way

when i watch movies like The Notebook, 
i'm just reminded on what "love" actually is.

i know i've tweeted about it a lot
but there's not a day that passes by that i don't think 

"i wonder who she is..."


"i wonder what she's doing right now..."

whoever you are, i've thought about you everyday...and i won't lie to you; twice in my life, i thought that i had already found you. i thought i knew what love was, and wouldn't you know, both times i came up short handed. it amazes me how strong, yet how fragile, the heart is. i don't think we, as humans, will ever fully comprehend what it truly means to love someone; to wake up every morning and picture their smile or to just sit and watch the day pass by while the thought of their love just circles around you like the wind that blows through the mid afternoon sky...

love can scare you sometimes;
when you least expect it, it always seems to sneak up on you

one moment you're enjoying what they call "the single life."

and then the next moment, you're waking up every morning
to try and send the first "good morning" text for them to wake up to

i know sometimes it seems like i know the perfect things to say
or words that mean something for you at the time being

but honestly yall...

...i don't have any of this life thing figured out

as a college kid, i've got a few small things figured out:

1. never go to take a shower without grabbing a towel first
(rags are hard to dry off with)

2. put some extra cash aside for the weekends

3. make sure you call your parents at least once a week

4. there's two times to pray; when you feel like it, and when you don't

5. keep a smile on your face and your heart in the clouds

but what does this all mean..? 

i'm just as puzzled as you.

i don't consider myself different from anyone else
the only thing that i could say that sets me aside,
is that i know what "love" is.

with that being said, 

here's to you, Juliet.

i'm more than convinced that you're out there, somewhere. i've started this blog, for you, and to show other's what it truly means to "wait for that person to come along..."

i'm not perfect, and neither is anyone else
if we wait for the "perfect person" to come along...

...we're going to be quite lonely if "perfection" is looks


if we're honest with ourselves, 
and we're just looking for someone that "perfectly" matches us, 
i'm convinced that there'll never be another lonely night.

here's to you, Juliet.

365 Days
365 Nights
365 Ways to Love you
365 Memories I hope to make
365 songs to write
365 letters

Dear Juliet,
           I woke up this morning to a sunrise, so I know that somewhere out there you woke up with a smile on your face. The day's have been quite long, lately; I'll admit but I am still hanging on the thought of knowing that one day, there won't be any lonely nights anymore. I'm still holding onto the thoughts of us spending our time together, in hopes of making memories that'll last a lifetime. I'm still wishing for the little moments when we're together on the couch, just watching movies, and for the nights when we're out on the town and I can smile when I point to you and say "yeah, that's my angel right there and I am the luckiest man alive to have such a love." Whoever you are, know that there hasn't been a day that's passed that I haven't thought about your smile. Whoever you are, know that there hasn't been a day that's passed that I haven't wondered about the small things, like what your favorite movie is, the color of your eyes, and the sweet serenity of your laugh, and the way your head will fit perfectly on my chest when we fall asleep at night. Whoever you are, I am still here, and Juliet, I am still waiting..

Yours truly,

1 comment:

  1. gave me chills...keep your head strong and your heart open evan. It's like my mother always says "sometimes you find love where you least expect it..." Also, remember to keep those that are close to you because you never know who that person could be..they could be from your present, future or even your past whether or not you want to believe that. Don't worry though because there is a girl out that cares for you..
