Sunday 19 August 2012

SLIL; 365 DTJ Day 2. Fun Dates

(click to listen to what i was listening to while writing this blog)


remember as kid, growing up,
and your grandparents would say 

"well, when i was a kid, all we needed was a rock and sticks to have fun!"

i don't know about yall, 
but unless we're talking about some hardcore game of baseball
it's hard to believe that those two small things could bring much "fun."

but as for this blog

i'm going to post some fun date ideas.

and yes, i know what you're thinking...

...guys actually know things to do?

it's true.

and i'll list some great idea's that i've used in the past.


there's this amazing device called an ENO.
they list for around $75 at some outfitter stores
but i'm telling you; 
it's a great investment.

What is an ENO, you say?

God's gift to man.
it's a simple hammock
made of parachute material 
heavy duty 
comes in set sizes of regular 
and double nest (the best size for those snuggle hangs)

Applying it to a date.

two ways.

A.) if you've been dating the set person for a bit, you can pack a picnic and take her out by the water. find two trees that are about 10 feet from each other, depending on the length of the slap straps that you buy. (personally, i would go to Home Depot and just buy rope and create your own) with that being said, it's fun for casual dates, especially if you're a college kid on a budget and looking to score some "sweet points."

B.) though the double nest hammock is great for those cuddling moments, it can also be used to sit in. if this is your second or third date, you can take her out during the afternoon for a casual "hang out" sesh. NOTE: save the sunset moments for when yall are together. you never want to warn a girl off by doing the sweet stuff first. maybe i'm wrong? 


surprise her by showing her that you're thrifty. 
for the girls that i've dated, i know that they've both enjoyed it 
when you do thrift store shopping.

but what to do, you say?

take $20 out of the bank
(yes, you can spare $20 for her)
and then either get change for 2 $10's
or if you want to be clever
you could always just rip in half
(don't do that though because you're now out $20)

Applying it to a date

if you're like me, you're from the south
and we've got millions of thrift stores
give her $10 and head straight to the thrift store
the key here is to see who can buy the most random things
if you're thinking that's too easy,
then spice it up a bit:
have a project that yall two want to create
while shopping by yourselves
find objects that'll lead to creating this


paige was quite thrifty when it came to making things. men of America, we do not, i repeat, DO NOT use pinterest. so, naturally, we are at a disadvantage of finding things to create on our own. some good ideas for things to make/decorate would be like

a.) a chest that'll hold your memories
b.) an old chair to re-create and give to a family member
c.) a picture frame that yall could make with pictures of yall
d.) something completely random.


let's just keep this one simple, and easy.
find a small child that has a lemonade stand
and buy their stand

but here's the catch...

don't be cocky about it.
some girls don't like to be covered by money
and if you walk up there and start throwing out bills like it aint nothing
(feel free to donate some to me)
but do it to help a kid out

it'll show that you're more than what meets the eye
and come on,
what girl doesn't like a guy who knows how to help someone out?


Themed Nights of The Week

Movie Monday
but have fun with it 
on the first week of the four in a month
have a 40's theme
then next week, a 50's theme
and so on

Taco Tuesday
as college kids, 
we both know what that means
make different tacos each week
as you would with the movies above

Wine Wednesday
i'm a red kind of guy
(Jacob's Creek)
buy different wines and try them out
be sure to keep to brands you've never heard of
it'll make for more fun

Thirsty Thursday
kind of like the one above
but try different restaurants bars
and their special drinks for the night

with those few ideas in mind, you can come up with your own themes for during the week when yall are either studying, or just have extra time to kill.

El Five'o <---clutch spanish right there

surprise her

go to her work and bring her favorite beverage
and/or snack

when you go to leave her work, 
leave a flower on the front of her window
with a little note that says 
"i can't wait to see you tonight!"

So for the somewhat clueless people of MERICA 
that needed some quick and simple date ideas,
 i hope that these somewhat helped!

Dear Juliet,
      It's nights like these when the stars are out just perfectly, and I cannot help but want you by my side. You know, the last time I was in that old hammock, I accidentally stepped on the inside and ripped it. It did me well for about 5 years, but like a lot of other things in life, with time it ages. I wonder if you'll be the type to never want the "highest" dates in life all the time. I hope the simple will always be good enough for you, no matter what because the simple things about you, like your smile, will always be enough for this guy. I miss you more and more everyday, and as always, I cannot wait till the day that you're mine forever. Wherever you are tonight, I hope you sleep well and just know that there's not a star that I have not wished for you on tonight. 

Yours Truly,

Surviving Love in Life; 365 Days to Juliet. Day 1


close your eyes for a second, and just picture your heart.

what do you see? 

for some, it's an organ that's beating within a rhythm that God has set in place

for others, like me, you see your past, future, and present

regardless of what comes to mind, your heart is what's on your mind. 
but what is it exactly that brings light and truth to this simple part of your body?
what is the very thought that comes to your mind about this object?

the heart is a very fragile object. 
it can be strong enough to let another smile in
and it can be weak enough to bring you to your knees
but after it's all said and done,
the rhythm still continues throughout the hours of the day
and it keeps you alive.

isn't that amazing?

the one thing needed to keep you alive is the very thing that you depend on to lead your way

when i watch movies like The Notebook, 
i'm just reminded on what "love" actually is.

i know i've tweeted about it a lot
but there's not a day that passes by that i don't think 

"i wonder who she is..."


"i wonder what she's doing right now..."

whoever you are, i've thought about you everyday...and i won't lie to you; twice in my life, i thought that i had already found you. i thought i knew what love was, and wouldn't you know, both times i came up short handed. it amazes me how strong, yet how fragile, the heart is. i don't think we, as humans, will ever fully comprehend what it truly means to love someone; to wake up every morning and picture their smile or to just sit and watch the day pass by while the thought of their love just circles around you like the wind that blows through the mid afternoon sky...

love can scare you sometimes;
when you least expect it, it always seems to sneak up on you

one moment you're enjoying what they call "the single life."

and then the next moment, you're waking up every morning
to try and send the first "good morning" text for them to wake up to

i know sometimes it seems like i know the perfect things to say
or words that mean something for you at the time being

but honestly yall...

...i don't have any of this life thing figured out

as a college kid, i've got a few small things figured out:

1. never go to take a shower without grabbing a towel first
(rags are hard to dry off with)

2. put some extra cash aside for the weekends

3. make sure you call your parents at least once a week

4. there's two times to pray; when you feel like it, and when you don't

5. keep a smile on your face and your heart in the clouds

but what does this all mean..? 

i'm just as puzzled as you.

i don't consider myself different from anyone else
the only thing that i could say that sets me aside,
is that i know what "love" is.

with that being said, 

here's to you, Juliet.

i'm more than convinced that you're out there, somewhere. i've started this blog, for you, and to show other's what it truly means to "wait for that person to come along..."

i'm not perfect, and neither is anyone else
if we wait for the "perfect person" to come along...

...we're going to be quite lonely if "perfection" is looks


if we're honest with ourselves, 
and we're just looking for someone that "perfectly" matches us, 
i'm convinced that there'll never be another lonely night.

here's to you, Juliet.

365 Days
365 Nights
365 Ways to Love you
365 Memories I hope to make
365 songs to write
365 letters

Dear Juliet,
           I woke up this morning to a sunrise, so I know that somewhere out there you woke up with a smile on your face. The day's have been quite long, lately; I'll admit but I am still hanging on the thought of knowing that one day, there won't be any lonely nights anymore. I'm still holding onto the thoughts of us spending our time together, in hopes of making memories that'll last a lifetime. I'm still wishing for the little moments when we're together on the couch, just watching movies, and for the nights when we're out on the town and I can smile when I point to you and say "yeah, that's my angel right there and I am the luckiest man alive to have such a love." Whoever you are, know that there hasn't been a day that's passed that I haven't thought about your smile. Whoever you are, know that there hasn't been a day that's passed that I haven't wondered about the small things, like what your favorite movie is, the color of your eyes, and the sweet serenity of your laugh, and the way your head will fit perfectly on my chest when we fall asleep at night. Whoever you are, I am still here, and Juliet, I am still waiting..

Yours truly,