Monday 21 February 2011

Who I am, With you.

(click the link below, or copy/paste it, to listen to what i was listening to while writing this blog)

ok, so picture this. i'm 18, fresh out of high school and just finished a semester of college, and for some reason, i'm ready to leave. it was only two months earlier that i found out that i was moving to England for 5 months. i went to visit an old friend before headin out of the country. i was helping lead worship at his church, playing guitar, while he was singing. about halfway through the second song, this BEAUTIFUL blue eyed, blonde haired girl walks in, (late, might i add) and from the moment she walked in the door, i couldn't take my eyes off her. literally, i totally forgot the song i was playing and left jason there to hang to sing alone while i just sat there. and do you want to know the best part? she smiled at me :) that's what threw me off.

honestly, i wouldn't change a single moment with her
she's the air i breathe
and my best friend

so then we went over to his house and hung out. haha it makes me laugh to realize that we were both with other people at the time. well, i had just broken up with brielle and she was with some jerk named Steve at the time. at least, i think that's what his name is. idk. it could be chase or psycho boyfriend. either would suffice for the time being. we kept in touch while i was overseas for the most part. i came home, finished up my shindig with brielle and knew that there was more than what i could see at the time. there was just something about paige that i wanted. maybe it was her perfect smile, or the way she laughed at my corny jokes. but whatever it was, i knew i had to have her.

love isn't the feeling you get after a few months.
it's the continued passion over time
for the love of one another

a year, and 2 months, and some odd days later, i'm pretty sure i made the greatest decision of my life. marriage is something wayy far off in the future, but before you and everyone else who will read this blog, i, evan dial, will do whatever it takes to love Loren Paige Staton forever. it's funny how things change over time. you go through ups and downs in a relationship, and it's scary sometimes. there's been a couple of nights where we've been yelling at each other, and there's been COUNTLESS nights when we didn't want the moon to come up. but, and she's gonna kill me for sayin this, but her eyes just look so dang beautiful in the moonlight :) haha she's the most beautiful girl in the world, yall. there's not another girl in the this world that can even COMPARE to her! she is, in every way possible, the greatest example of our amazing God! she is His greatest work, by far. i love everything about her, from the tip of her toes to the top of her head. she's my best friend and someone i couldn't live without.

if i had a chance to change one thing about her... would be her last name

as always,

Dear Paige,
i love you more than life.
God gave me you, and that i'm sure of
i will promise to love you forever
no matter the distance
or the days.
you are my beautiful angel
and there's not a moment
that i'm not thinking about you
you are perfect in every way
and i'm more than happy
to say that you're all mine...

1 comment:

  1. love love love love love love love love X1000000. :] This just made my entire week
